Msbte Computer MCQ Questions Pdf

We understand the importance of effective study materials in Msbte academic journey, and to support your learning, we are delighted to offer Msbte Computer MCQ Questions Pdf.

First Semester MCQ PDF Collection

1Basic Mathematics MCQ Pdf (BMS-311302)
2Basic Science MCQ Pdf (BSC-311305)
3Basic English MCQ Pdf (ENG-311303)

Second Semester MCQ PDF Collection

1Applied Mathematics MCQ Pdf (AMS-312301)
2Programming in C MCQ Pdf (PIC-312303)
3Basic Electrical and Electronic MCQ PDF (BEE-312302)

Third Semester MCQ PDF Collection

Msbte Computer MCQ Questions Pdf
1Data Structure using C (DSU)313301Click
2Database Management System. (DMS)313302Click
3Digital Techniques (DTM)313303Click
4O.O. Programming (OOP)313305Click

Fourth Semester MCQ PDF Collection

Msbte Computer MCQ Questions Pdf
1Python programming (PWP)314002Click
2Environmental Education (EES)314302Click
3Java programming (JPR)314303Click
4Operating system (OSY)314304Click
5Data communication (DCN)314301Click

Fifth Semester MCQ PDF Collection

Msbte Computer MCQ Questions Pdf
1Advanced Java Programming (AJP)Click
2Software Testing (STE)314335Click
3Client Side Scripting (CSS)315306Click
4Advance Computer Network (ACN)315304Click
5Entrepreneurship development(EDS)315302Click

Sixth Semester MCQ PDF Collection

1Emerging trends in co and it (ETI)316301Click
2Management (MAN)316302Click
3Artificial Intelligence (AIN)316304Click
4Web Application Development by PHP(WBP)316306Click
5Data communication and Network(DCN)314301Click

This page Contain collection of Computer Branch Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) in PDF format as per MSBTE K-scheme Computer branch curriculum.